Environnemental Security
Whether the result of malicious intent or natural events, environmental crises are at the heart of threats affecting all regions, people, fauna and flora.
HELPED's products and services range from fire-fighting and anti-poaching measures to pollution clean-up and flood control.
The capture and processing of geographical, meteorological or seismic information is just as important as the means of prevention.

CCFF- Forest Fire Tank Truck
ARMORIC HOLDING (Gicat member)
Based on a RENAULT chassis, the CCF benefits from all the recognized expertise of SIDES in the field of fire-fighting vehicles. Equipped with a 4000 liter tank, 4X4 vehicle, it meets all civil protection standards, particularly in terms of self-protection.
Reliable and robust, suitable for difficult terrain, it has been specially designed to meet the needs of firefighters for the fight against forest fires.
A well appreciated product, it equips many French departments.
- Martina KUBITOVA
- +33 (0)6 84 53 33 58
- martina. kubitova@sides.fr
- http://www.sides.fr
HAPSITE® CDT Chemical Identification System
HAPSITE CDT provides versatility for military, civilian and hazardous response teams to identify and quantify narcotics, chemical warfare agents (CWA), fourth generation agents (FGA), explosives and toxic industrial chemical threats on-site to develop critical health risk assessments, quickly. HAPSITE CDT delivers accurate, lab-quality results in minutes to
- Chloe BRAUNN
- +33 (0)1 34 52 10 47
- c.braunn@physitek.fr
- https://www.physitek.fr
Inflatable products for securing and protecting the environment
Musthane manufactures inflatable products for improving the safety such as lifting bags or inflatable protection shores. We manufacture also inflatable oil booms or permanent security barriers in order to insulate a part of the sea or lake.
- +33 (0) 6 07 70 21 29
- reza.rosier@musthane.com
- https://www.musthane.com
FORESTS is an European high altitude modular multi-mission system integrated into a stratospheric balloon. By flying from 18 to 25 km above the sea, FORESTS will cover a
large area (about 200,000km²) for extended time missions (up to several months). FORESTS is equipped with sensors and connected to the ground via a high data rate and secure datalink.
- Dominique DESVEAUX
- +33 (0)6 22 97 06 34
- dominique.desveaux@asman-technology
- https://asman-technology.com
The “DECONCUBE” rapid deploy system offers a new approach to achieving initial decontamination capability. The compact system footprint ensures it can be kept in readiness
and allows deploymentto operational readiness in just 15 minutes by a single person. The system can be operated using only 2 monitoring personnel.
The purpose of the UTILIS decontamination BERCE is to decontaminate the victims near disaster areas (chemical, biological or nuclear accident) in order to limit the continuation of contamination of the victims as fast as possible.
They are intended for emergency services, as part of the emergency plan, for missions of limited duration.
Out of use, storage is easy and it is a low maintenance material.
- Edouard PERIN
- +33 (0)6 11 43 35 79
- edouard.perin@utilis.fr
- www.utilis-international.com
POLYCOMBI® CBRN protective suit
OUVRY (Gicat member)
POLYCOMBI® is a coverall based on air permeable technology which protects against CBRN agents in liquid, vapor and aerosol form for 12 hours.
Extremely lightweight and ergonomic, it gives the user comfort and optimum protection with optimized interface management. It allows rapid evacuation of the heat, and thus reduces the risks of heatstroke.
POLYCOMBI® is the ideal solution to reduce the number of rotation, and it is particularly suitable for:
– Accidental or intentional exposure to vapors and liquids
– Long tasks > 1h
– Warm and humid atmospheres
– Confined spaces
- +33(0)4 86 11 32 02
- contact@ouvry.com
- https://www.ouvry.com
Paul Boyé Technologies
Paul Boyé Technologies CLD500 suit is a ventilated lightweight CBRN encapsuled coverall that protects against chemical warfare agents (CWA), toxic industrial chemicals (TIC’) and radioactive particles. Made with our 3TOX® material, this protective garment is assembled by sealed ultrasound weldings which are the guarantee of a complete barrier against CBRN agents.
- Sébastien PARAY
- +33 (0)6 32 59 44 61
- s.paray@paulboye.fr
- http://paulboye.fr
Inflatable Decontamination Tents and Cabin
Our decontamination cabins are designed to offer a rapidly deployable relief solution for biohazard, nuclear or chemical decontamination.
Safe, robust and easy to use, our inflatable tents and cabins are fitted with an in-built shower system that is fed with both clear and detergent water, for a decontamination capacity of up to 30 users per hour. They can be used as standalone units, or as part of a wider, fully integrated, COLPRO system, to provide instant assistance in case of chemical attacks, or industrial catastrophes.
- Dave Andronnet
- + 33 (0)6 76 96 21 46
- dave.andronnet@losbergerdeboer.com
- https://www.losbergerdeboer.com
UCCE APACC-NG specialized
PROENGIN (Gicat member)
(Portable chemical warning and control device New
APACC NG is field ready & compact wireless monitoring solution that allows real time communication with up to 8 chemical threat detectors. Being wirelessly connected in real time enable hazmat or CBRNe teams to improve their situational awareness, to monitor from a distance an event without the need to engage personnel or to protect temporarily an area against chemical attacks. As time is crucial in these applications, this solution has been designed to be deployed in minutes. The Solution can also be used in a training mode. Trainers have then the ability to evaluate that team members are “up to speed” with the Standard Operating Procedures by remotely triggering instrument alarms and evaluate trainees behavior.
- Naomi KAMARA
- +33 (0)6 01 09 58 25
- naomi.kamara@proengin.com
- https://www.proengin.com
AIRBUS (Gicat member)
The H225 is the choice of commercial operators and governmental agencies for its long range and all-weather search and rescue (SAR) capabilities. As a reference in its field, the H225’s autopilot provides precision, stability, flight envelope protection, and pilot assistance, including dedicated search and rescue (SAR) upper modes. A range of mission equipment is available, such as an electro-optical system (EOS), searchlights, cabin console, hailer public address system, an automatic identification system (AIS), direction finder, radar, dual hoist and stretchers.
- Stéphane ROUSSEAU
- +33 (0)6 81 58 62 42
- stephane.rousseau@airbus.com
- https://www.airbus.com
ARFA Gas Mask
NBC-SYS (Gicat member)
ARFA gas mask (filtering respiratory device for the armed forces) is one of the most protective CBRN gas mask on the market. The millionth ARFA mask has been produced in 2021, all versions included.
ARFA gas mask is still being improved to integrate new operational requirements. A more ergonomic Mk II version is available with a right or left mounted canister for an easiest weapon holding and aiming.
ARFA gas mask is compatible with NATO standard canisters and is designed to offer a comfortable wear for more than 24 hours.
- +33 (0)4 77 19 19 25
- e.ploujoux@nbc-sys.com
- https://www.nexter-group.fr
Developed in response to a request from the French Military
Health Service (SSA), AMPOULIOR allows 16 vials of 1to 10 ml to be carried in a very small volume via an insert integrated into a Peli 1020 waterproof box. Its innovative, ultra-light, latticed internal structure gives its outstanding protection against shock and vibration.
- +33 (0)6 70 43 95 21
- thibaud.pxe@gmail.com
- https://www.phoenix-equipement.com
Night Vision System
NSE (GICAT member)
Your safety on the moove !
NSE provides a global airborne night vision solution for rotary wing to ensuring safety and security when a crisis emerges. From the design to the installation of NVIS systems (modification kits), these solutions guarantee to your pilots and your SAMU interventions optimals night vision conditions and secure your night flights. Thanks to our global offer, your team will be ready to provide first aid.
- Candice NOELLET
- +33 (0)4 70 58 43 90
- cnoellet@nse-groupe.com
- https://www.nse-groupe.com